"Where are you taking me?" she asked when he turned left.
"What do you mean by that?"
"I am taking you home my love. You and I are going to Dubai tomorrow and together," he smiled his eyes on the road.
"What about my child? I can't go leaving my child,"her phone rang
"Put that away!" he ordered.
"I can't it's Gloria."
He glared at her.
HER: Gloria.
GLORIA: Adela.I have some bad news.
HER: What is it?
GLORIA: Stevie was involved in a car accident last night. He didn't make it. I am sorry. Where are you? We need you here.
She heard the news that no one ever wants to hear, words so horrible that she couldn't even process them. Her heart started pounding really fast and she was trying so very hard to fight back the tears. She switched off the phone and was trembling.
"Is everything okay?"
She nodded.
"Don't you know how to talk?"
She remained quiet and he parked the car.
"We are home."
She got out of the car and stood by the car door. He walked to her and grabbed her hand by force leading her into the house. Jasmine was sitting on the chair, still tied.
"I brought you a friend my love," said James. "Only one left, she will be here soon. Adela, my love, make yourself at home."
Never assume you know better when you don't really know anything. There are two types of pain you will probably go through in life. The pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons. The worst words you can say are, ' I just wish I had. Seeing the kind of person he was, she wished she had done things differently.
"Why you having her tied on the chair?"
"I am just following procedure."
"What procedure?"
"You will never understand but you will. There is nothing you don't know about me Adela." She opened the door and their eyes met once again. "Ohh here comes our Queen. I present to you all Queen B."
"What the hell is going on here? What is she doing here? This wasn't part of the plans J," she said loudly.
"I changed the plans. I have decided to make her my wife," she grabbed her waist. "Right Adela?"
She nodded, tears streaming down on her cheeks.
"There is no way I am having this slut by my side," she removed the gun from her pocket.
"What are you going to do? Kill her? Adela, tell her what happened to Stevie."
"He is dead," she said in between sobs. "Stevie is dead."
"What?!" exclaimed Bianca. "That can't be. It was you," her eyes on James.
"What what do you mean it was him?" asked Adela with a hint of confusion in her voice.
While they were busy talking, Jasmine was busy untying herself.
"I killed Stevie, my love. He was a nuisance. I wanted you to be mine and mine alone. He had to die because he knew too much. He was about to ruin my plans."
At that moment she prayed that she would fall down a manhole and the King of the sewer rats make her, his butler.
"You piece of shit! " she pointed the gun at him. "How could you do that? How many times did I tell you that  I loved him? I am going to kill you today."
He sat down on the chair, legs crossed.
"You want to kill me? Go ahead and kill me Bianca."
"He is my brother Adela. Did you know that? He is the one who got me out of prison. He came in your life to destroy your relationship with Stevie. He is not who you think he is. He is a murderer and a rapist." She was about to pull the trigger. "Wha what. No bullets."
James laughed out loudly.
"You should gave checked it when I gave it to you. Did you really think I would give you a gun that easily with bullets," he shot her on the right arm.
"What did you do that for?"
"You getting tests of your own medicine. I have been wanting to kill you Bianca. I had had enough of you, trying to control me. I was supposed to be the Boss not you. I know you had my back at the orphanage and have always been my pillar of strenght," he knelt down where she lay. "I am sorry sis but somethings happen that are just out of our control. I didn't want things to end like this but you have to go. As they say life is too short"
"You can't do this little Garikai," she murmured.
"Yes, I can. I have to and I am sorry," his hands on her neck.  "You have a soft skin," he strangled her to death with such force that he lifted her off the ground and watched her die from suffocation. "No pulse. She is dead. I just killed my sister. May her sould rest in peace. Now..," he said turning around and she had the gun in her hand.
"Adela, put the gun down and let's talk about this," he said softly.
"Jasmine go!"
"What about you?"
"Just go and get help. Runaway and don't look back. Don't move James or I will shoot you," said Adela
"You think she will get back on time. We will be gone by then."
Jasmine ran out of the room and as Adela was looking aside. James grabbed her wrist with his left arm hand and held her gun hand against her chest.
"You can shoot us both. He pushed her and she fell on the sofa. You and I are going on a trip," he hit her on the head using the gun and she fell unconcious.

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